update on Asian Idol

well obviously Mau will represent the Philippines
Jaclyn Victor will represent Malaysia
Indonesia hasn't decided yet

and as for the 4 remaining Countries, they are still negotiations going on.

and lastly they are some talks about what voting system they will use. I just hope that they will just stick to the usual Voting system. not the World Idol Voting system nor the voting system they are introducing. 1. World Idol Voting system doesnt work and 2 who in the right mind would agree that Indonesians are the only ones who can vote. Are you kidding? I would probably agree If you slash out Indonesia on the list. Thats Okay probably but still awkward cos, com'on why would the Indonesians waste their precious money on a person who they dont even know. Lets just change the name of the show. Probably make it Indonesia's Asian Idol. that would probably make sense. isn't it?
