Big Brother UK 6 (Celebrity Edition) - Nominations Week 1

Heres the recap of what happened since Pilot Episode

11 Celebrities became this seasons housemates. Each Celebrity were given an opportunity to choose their own bed. And Since there were only 10 beds in the house. The 11th Celebrity who doesnt have a bed was automatically this weeks Head of HouseHold meaning He will sleep in the Secret Room and have unlimited use of Hair Straighteners and Hot Water. That person was Terry. Now Terry was given a task by Big Brother to secretly nominate 3 of his housemates (One each task).

Starting last Saturday Big Brother gave the housemates some tasks. After those tasks were completed the Head Of Household decided who he will secretly nominate based on who he think is the Most Inflated Ego, Least Talented and Least Integrity.

Heres the run down of who he secretly Nominated

The Most Inflated Ego - Ulrika
The Least Talented - Lucy
The Least Integrity - Ben

Now the three were called to the Diary Room not knowing it yet. Then Big Brother told them to go to another room and sit on where there name is. After that the monitor on that room was opened, seeing the housmates in the living room. Eventually Big Brother told them why they're there. After that The rest of the housemates were given a board and pen and were told to write the name of the housemate they want to save among the 3.

Heres the run down of who the Housemates voted

Tommy, Coolio, Michelle, Latoya and Verne - Voted for Ben
Mutya - Voted for Lucy
Tina - Voted for Ulrika

Since Ben have 5 Votes he was saved.

That being said The two housemates that are officially nominated this week are Ulrika and Lucy.

Now the public will be voting who they want to evict.

Here are the numbers you need to call. (Remember Call the number you want to EVICT)

LUCY - 09016 16 16 04
ULRIKA - 09016 16 16 10

Lines will close this Friday

PLS SAVE LUCY!!!! Thanks
