Mini Me singing Endless Love

say WHAT!!? HAHAHA Seriously this cracks me up

I just saw the duet of Verne and Ulrika via the official site. And I still cant stop laughing. Well Im not being rude okay? I just find the performance really cute. Man Can you imagine Verne singing a Leonel Ritchie song with a wig and a mustache. I mean seriously This is what you call ENTERTAINMENT!!! HAHAHA

By the way for those who dont know. The Celebrity Housemates were given a shopping task by Big Brother which is to replicate the lifestyles of the rich and famous. The task will consist of 5 separate challenges each related to a different aspect of modern day celebrity culture. The group as a whole must fail no more than 2 challenges in order to pass this weeks shopping task.

Here are the roles of each housemates

Ben and Michelle - as a fake celebrity couple
Terry and Mutya - in a made up Celebrity Cult (chanting the words Chest Knee Hawk everytime the cue is played)
Latoya and Tommy - will star in a Celebrity Tv Show (will perform an Ice skating routine)
Verne and Ulrika - Must be like Diana Ross and Leonel Ritchie and will perform Endless Love. They must have at least 10,000 hits in the net to be able to pass the challenge.
Coolio, Tina and Lucy - will be the paparazzi's, must photograph a non housemate celebrity that will appear in the garden. stay there for 24 hours. At least 2 must be in the press holding area.

If the whole group fail 3 or more challenges they will fail the shopping task and will just receive a basic food purchase this week.

By the way Dont forget to vote for the person you want to evict

LUCY - 09016 16 16 04
ULRIKA - 09016 16 16 10

Line will close this Friday (UK Time)

