Big Brother US 11 - Episode 10 - 3rd Eviction Show


Here's How they voted

Jeff voted to evict Casey
Ronnie voted to evict Casey
Natalie voted to evict Casey
Chima voted to evict Casey
Russel voted to evict Jordan
Michelle voted to evict Casey
Lydia voted to evict Casey
Kevin voted to evict Casey

With a vote of 7 to 1 Casey is the 3rd person to be evicted in the Big Brother house

By the way Julie gathered the houseguests to the living room before the HOH competition and announced that the cliques no longer exist. She also revealed that America will choose a houseguest who will be given a secret mystery power. The houseguest who America chose will only know the secret mystery power. She only told them that this weeks HOH and Veto Competition is more important than ever. Thats the only way they are safe.

Julie revealed the mystery power to America, which is Who ever gets the mystery power can overthrow the Head Of Household by replacing one or both of the nominees. Meaning before the live eviction there might be a new set of nominees which will be given by the houseguest whom America chose. The power can only be used once either of the two next HOH competitions.

America's Vote (Coup D'Etat)

Which Houseguest should win the power of Coup D'Etat?

Text the number of your selection to 81818
| CHIMA 1 | JEFF 2 | JESSIE 3 | JORDAN 4 | KEVIN 5 |

votes will be accepted until 11:59pm PT Tuesday August 4, 2009. Maximum of 10 votes per cellphone. US residents +18 Only.

watch the full episode video here

Part 1

Part 2
