Game Of Thrones 4 - Episode 8 - The Mountain And The Viper

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

The wildlings attack Mole's Town. Gilly is discovered by Ygritte, who spares her. Ramsay forces Theon to get the Ironborn to surrender Moat Cailin. The Ironborn surrender in hopes of returning home but are flayed and slaughtered by Ramsay. As a reward for securing Moat Cailin, Roose legitimizes Ramsay as a Bolton. In the Vale, Sansa reveals to a council investigating Lysa's death her true identity and convinces the council of Littlefinger's innocence. While Littlefinger starts grooming Robin Arryn, Lysa's son, as the Lord of the Vale, the Hound and Arya arrive and are informed of Lysa's death. In King's Landing, the trial by combat starts. Oberyn gains the upper hand but lets down his guard while demanding that the Mountain confess to his crimes. The Mountain kills Oberyn by crushing his skull while finally admitting to the rape and murder of Elia. Tywin sentences Tyrion to death. In Essos, Barristan Selmy receives a letter intended for Jorah that pardons him as a reward for spying on Daenerys, who exiles him from Meereen as a result.
