He Said, She Said: Does 'American Idol' Treat Women Differently Than Men?

BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Back of the Book" segment tonight, our "He Said, She Said" segment where we examine gender issues. And there's one on "American Idol."

You may remember a woman named Frenchie Davis who was bounced off that show because an adult Web site posted topless pictures of her. However, this year a guy named David Hernandez was allowed to participate, even though he made money stripping at a gay nightclub. This week he was voted off "Idol," but some charge a double standard is afoot.

Joining us now from San Francisco, Marc Rudov, the author of the book, "The Man's No-Nonsense Guide to Women." Here in the studio, FOX News contributor Margaret Hoover, a Republican feminist. Wow!

All right. Double standard?

MARGARET HOOVER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Sounds like a double standard to me. I mean, you have basically two actions. Two people doing the exact same thing. And listen, I'm not a feminist that uses the term "sexism" lightly. But what is sexism? Sexism is where there is discrimination clearly based on gender. You have two people who did virtually the same thing and completely different standards were applied to them. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck.

